We grilled out hamburgers tonight and for some unknown reason (maybe he's really a communist) the little guy insists he doesn't like them. I don't think he's ever had one, but whatever. His loss. He did, however, discover he likes ham at his Nana's last week so I got him some honey maple ham at the deli when I was getting my lunch meet on our last grocery trip. After we sat down to our nice juicy (albondigas) burgers the kiddo wanted a bun. I then asked if he also wanted some ham and he excitedly said yes. I told him to put his ham on his bun and then he could have a ham sandwich, to which he replied, "No daddy, a
MEETING sandwich with ham!" Well whatever it was, here's the pathetic little sandwich and the proud chef.
In other news our african violet got a case of aphids so I have been caring for it. I was trimming it up and accidentally cut off a good leaf. I didn't really want to throw it away so I just stuck the stem down in the soil. That was 3 weeks ago. This is what I saw at lunch today.
If you can't see it, there are two little leaf buds pushing up through the soil. I knew you could root an African Violet, but I had no idea you just had to plant the leaf. Emily is disgusted.