I love to dip my grilled-cheese sandwiches in barbecue sauce. The little dude has eaten barbecue before (and baked beans, which is barbecue-ish) and loved it. I've read that toddlers like to dip their food in sauce. Plus, he had (really mild) honey-mustard sauce on chicken last week and it was a hit.
So, tonight I gave him cheese-toast with a side of barbecue sauce for dinner. He stuck his hand in the sauce, licked his fingers, and seemed happy... so it was going well, right? This is the kid who eats almost anything, right? Yup. Until he started crying and clawing at his tongue. The sauce was apparently a little hotter than I thought it was. Continuing my streak of pure genius, I gave him a piece of toast that I had already dipped in the sauce. That made it worse, of course. (Duh.) Then I gave him some water, which obviously didn't help out either.
Finally I grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge-- he didn't want milk since the water was ineffective. The yogurt worked, thank goodness, and he calmed down. What the heck was I thinking?
Here he is finishing his peas after all was forgiven:
He never did eat the rest of his cheese-toast. I think this was my worst idea yet!