Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Trim and Stairs and Stuff

I spent the weekend visiting friends (and running a half marathon! Woot!) while Eric and the kids enjoyed a visit from Nana and Pops. I'm not sure that there are many pictures of any of that. We did have a relaxing evening after dinner tonight.
The other thing we have now is real stairs to the basement! No more scary small boards! Look at these beauties!
They are so pretty! We also have a lot of baseboards AND a bathroom door that opens the right direction.


  1. Well, sure, the bathroom door opens, but does it CLOSE?? :-)
    Congrats. You're closing in on the finish line.
    Love, Gramps

  2. A bathroom door, fancy that! The stairs look great. And best of all is a cosy time on the sofa together, with mom resting up from her great run. love, Grandma

  3. Those basement stairs were a little scary. They look so good now. We enjoyed our visit in the "construction zone" but can't wait to see everything come together for you all.
