Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stair Ball?

The little guy recently figured out that he could throw a ball up the stairs and catch it on its way back down. I'm a HUGE fan of this, because it means he can play catch by himself (I'm a terrible mother, I know). He was on a roll today!
He just started catching the ball not too long ago, and the first time he caught it today he'd run over and say "I caught it! I've only caught 10 balls my entire life!" The second time he ran over and said "I caught it! I've only caught 21 balls my entire life!" By the third time, he was up to 27. This kid.


  1. He's already caught more than I've caught in my entire life.

  2. What fun to play catch with the stairs, and it's inside, too! Clearly, the big one is destined to be a creative writer; but, on the other hand, maybe he is learning his math skills from Abbott and Costello: http://bit.ly/1PPpasi
    love, Grandma

  3. I think he's honing his baseball skills.
