Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another First!

Today was the first day he cried on the way out of daycare. First, the little guy tried to hitch a ride on the bye-bye buggy instead of leaving with me. When that didn't work, he toddled over to the director and tried to get her to pick him up and carry him around. He was bawling as I carried him out the door... way to show me you care, little dude.
I didn't get any new pictures today, so the above one is from before he started breaking my heart almost daily.

1 comment:

  1. Huh, talk about breaking hearts. Wait till he gets married and moves to West Virginia!
    Oh, wait, that's MY child.


    (Just kidding ... love the whole W.Va. gang.)

