Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This past weekend, the little dude started saying "Uh-oh!" all the time.  He's also started saying "Mama."  Granted, he's only said that to his activity center and the dogs, but he's close.  At least the dogs are animate.  Progress, right? 

I decided to record him saying either "Uh-oh!" or "Mama" yesterday and write a cute post about how undeniably amazing he is.  Well, he didn't sleep too well Monday night and he barely napped at daycare on Tuesday, so he was a complete zombie/punk all evening and went to bed at seven.  This is the best I could get:

Tonight I took fourteen separate videos, but I finally got this:

Totally not worth it, right?  We now have eighteen different twenty-second clips of a silent baby with me saying "Uh-oh!" or "Mmmm-Mama" over and over again in the background.  I need a better hobby.


  1. My favorite is when Cassy is grinning at me, saying 'da da.' I think my lips have gone numb saying 'mmmama. mmmm. mmm. mmmmaaaama.' :-)

  2. I always feel like I sound Italian-- "Ma-ma, ma-ma, ma-ma." Every once in a while I throw in "It'sa pizza-pie-a, ma-ma." Maybe that's why he's so confused.
