Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

We had a nice meal at home to celebrate (and we have enough leftovers to feed an army!). The little guy rearranged the 'supply tower' in the bathroom for the holiday. He's been doing that every time he's in the bathroom. This was the craziest arrangement yet!
He also supplied one of the side dishes.
Lately he's been asking us to each pray at dinner. He wants Daddy to do a big huge prayer, Mommy to do a short prayer, and then he prays to wrap things up. Now that Grandma's in town, she has to pray after me and before the little guy. Tonight, I did my usual "Thank you God for food and friends. Amen." that I learned in preschool. My mom thanked God for the rain that makes the trees and flowers grow.

When it was the booger's turn to pray, he said "Thank you God for the rain" and then whispered "It's not raining" while shaking his head no. It was hilarious... we were all weeping with laughter.


  1. I understand it did indeed rain later, so it worked!



  2. What a sweet picture of Daddy and his Little Boogers!
