Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


We say grace at dinnertime, and the little guy is now praying off the cuff. Eric and I are usually weeping with laughter by the time he's done. He prays like Brick from Anchorman.

Tonight he said "Dear God, Thank you for pepperoni and cheese and green peppers and cranberry juice and I had fun with my friends today at work. Amen." If you watch him, he bows his head and then opens one eye to look around the table for stuff to say. He also sneaks food when it's his turn, so he's talking with his mouth full. Luckily for us it's the thought that counts.


  1. So cute the way they're enjoying each other. And so cute her three knees, which is exactly the required amount for a baby her age.



  2. God hears all our prayers..even when we talk with our mouth full and one eye opened.
