Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Duck... Duck... Baseball?

It has been fun carpooling with Em this week and dropping off and picking up the kiddos from daycare. I usually deal with the big one and Em takes the little one in. It is nice seeing him interact with all the other kids and getting to talk to him about his day on the way home.

Today he told us he learned a new game at school.

"We learned Duck, Duck, Goose today."
"Really? How do you play?"
"You pat heads."
"...You pat heads? Is that all?"
"And you say 'Duck..Duck..Duck..Goose!'"
"Then what?"
"Then you run!"
"Oh, fun. Where do you run?"
"Well you run around! You run and, um, you run to ah, um... third and then you run to second! And then to one-thirty! That's a long time. Yep, that's whatcha do!"

Hysterics ensue.

After dinner we took a walk. The little guy is always picking up sticks and bringing them home. Apparently the apple doesn't fall far. Here's one of his trophies.
By the way, the azaleas are just gorgeous right now. Come visit!


  1. And I see the famous shoes have made a comeback. Keep running 'til one-thirty.



  2. The apple indeed doesn't fall far. The big one's mother came home from preschool one day, bowed and said "pablo picasso" is hello in Japanese. love, Grandma

  3. I love these little boogers. Wish I could come to see all of you and the azaleas in bloom.
