Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Last weekend we bought some sausage at the farmer's market and we ate it tonight with pancakes... it was amazingly delicious and quite possibly the best sausage we've ever eaten. The little booger was pretty excited about it, too.
We know he loves something when he has to stop frantically signing for more in order to hold the food in his mouth.


  1. OK, that's what I want on our next visit!

    I felt the same as the Booger today at work ... somebody brought in two boxes of Cinnabons. The morons opened one box, then stood around talking as one person waved the knife around.
    I finally said, "Get out of the way," grabbed the second box and another knife, and dove in. Sheesh.

    When ya gotta eat, ya gotta eat. Go, Booger!



  2. Haha. He looks like his dad's side of the family, but he eats like my side.
