Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday best...

What should you do when you are wearing your Sunday best? Let's see:
1. Climb into the dog's crate.
2. Eat spaghetti.
3. Be thankful for stain-stick because all of those clothes are borrowed (the bib is ours).


  1. Might be time to introduce him to the concept of actually putting food into his mouth.




  2. Woah, is that a bib? Was he okay with wearing a bib?

  3. I recognize that shirt and am shocked that it doesn't already have spaghetti stains on it!
    Don't worry about staining the clothes -- he's a toddler! People understand.
    He is quite adorable cheesing with all that sauce on his face.

  4. He will occasionally wear a bib now! It's very exciting.

    And thanks, Sarah, for the shirt and for not caring about the spaghetti.
