Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Growing and Changing

The little one spent some time today looking at her mobile-thing. It's the first time she's been interested in it!
The big one enjoyed another visit to the museum/play-place down the street. Those visits will probably be a daily occurrence for the next couple of weeks.
We were the only ones at the museum at first. One of the volunteers was explaining the rules to a group of kids who came in after us, and she mentioned their foam tires as one of their cool toys. The little dude heard that and sprinted over to the tires. When I got there, he was stacking them up. He looked at me and said "Mommy! We have to put these away so nobody else will play with them!" He has such a giving spirit.


  1. That's our boy! And good for the little one to start noticing the mobile. love Grandma

  2. The little one seems to be thinking the same thing ... "How can I make sure nobody else plays with this?"



