Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Deconstruction and Reconstuction

We generously received got an awesome hand-me-down from one of my cousins and when I say "an awesome hand-me-down", I mean a bagillion awesome hand-me-downs.  Here is one that we all enjoy playing with.  It's a miniature Caterpillar earth mover that came with a miniature power drill.  You use the drill to unscrew the bolts that hold the thing together and you can take it completely apart down to the tub; no wheels, bed, cab, anything.

The drill is a little hard to work sometimes as it has a lot of give so it doesn't burn itself out.  You have to hold it just right to get it to unscrew the bolts.  The little fella is finally getting the hang of it and he loves playing with it.  That is when he isn't using the drill to tickle our necks or ears.  He's a hoot.

Also, I was correct.


  1. Love the picture, and love the flashback!


  2. Such a smart little booger. He amazes me!
