Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Too early for a career move?

The little guy is definitely moving now. You put him down in one place and he is off to the nearest wire, shoe, dog leg, and occasionally one of his toys. He is so strong too, which gives his semi-athletic father hope that his son will grow up and be good at the sport of his choosing (not soccer), but with a 5'1" mother and a 5'10" (well, 9.5"...stupid doctor's office) father, things aren't in his favor for a Big League career.

So I often wonder what his life will be like when he grows up. Here might be a clue to the booger's future career path.

Our coffee table has a sort of prison bar shelf underneath it with some atlases and various magazines stored there. One thing he's been doing lately is crawling under the coffee table. Once there he'll flip on his back and reach up for whatever he can find.

Looks to me like a miniature version of me working on my Jeep. Maybe we have a little mechanic on our hands. Or maybe a mechanical engineer.


  1. Wait, I thought she was 5-foot-4 ...
    Before I even read the blog, I thought, "He looks like he's working on a car!"
    Amazing kid.

  2. How cute can a little booger get? They are all angels when they sleep, even with a blanket over the nose and in the mouth. And then to intentionally get himself under the coffee table where he can really reach something....what a smart little boy! love from his besotted Grandma
