Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Not to Talk to Your 16-Month Old

I was going to write about the little dude's new silverware (riveting, I know), but then he did this:

What isn't in the video is the conversation that followed him ignoring my initial request. In the dialog below, he is LS (for Little Stinker), and I'm Me.

Me: Hey, can you close that please?

LS: (completely ignores me)

Me: Hey, can you close the door please?

LS: (continues to ignore me, turns some knobs)

Me: LS, can you please close that door?

LS: (pushes a button, giggles to himself)
Me: Hey, LS, can you please close the door?

LS: (looks at door, smiles at me) Door!

Me: Yes, door! Can you please close the door and play with something else, like your car?

LS: (points to window, smiles at me) Car!

Me: No, no. Your toy car. It's right there (points) at your feet.

LS: (points to and stamps his feet-- grinning like he's trying to say 'Feet! These are my feet!')

This is where I got up and closed the door. It's nice that he understands so many words, but this was one of the least productive conversations I've ever had. Happy 16 months!

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