Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happiness and Disappointment

Here's the good news: the little guy is now the small-to-medium guy. He has officially moved from the 5-10th percentile in height to the 10-25th percentile. Wahoo! Look at that tall (well, taller than he was) boy!
After dinner tonight, the little guy's dad gave him a really strong salt and vinegar potato chip. I can barely eat them without pulling a face. This is how the little dude reacted.

In case you don't know baby sign language, he said "Please, more!" with no puckering or grimacing or anything! My poor husband felt a little cheated.
Please ignore the Steelers shirt. It belongs to daycare, not to us.


  1. The booger's grandma likes salty snacks, too! It's genetic. love Grandma

  2. Double-genetic! Cay would rather have a bag of Cape Cod potato chips than all the cookies in the world.

    (Next time we're up there, you and Cay can find a quiet corner and eat cashews and chips all evening.)


  3. OK, never mind ... I'm still totally mixing up Nana and Grandma (my own wife).

    It's the flu ... my brain is addled.

