Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is what feeling better looks like...

He's finally feeling better! Also, he can take off his own pants!
I was going to talk about how cute he was for me this morning and how whiny he was for his dad this afternoon, but then he gave me a much better story at dinner.  He eats peas and carrots a lot, and usually I put one or two pieces in front of him at a time. Tonight he kept throwing them on the floor. Then he made the sign for all done and even said it ("Aahh dun"). His appetite slowed with this cold, so I got him out of his highchair and took him and the bowl of uneaten veggies to the trash (only the veggies were going in, I promise).  On the way, he reached down and started scooping up fistfuls of peas and carrots and stuffing them into his mouth. I guess he wanted GIANT PILES OF FOOD tonight instead of little pieces. Who knew? 

So, I put him back in his highchair and fed him some more. After the veggies were gone he had some saltines, a few chunks of apple, and then he finished his yogurt. That means he's definitely feeling better. I'll leave you with the last thing his food sees:

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