Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Speed Racer!

The little guy loves his scooter.* He actually can push it and glide now. He always says "Whee" whenever he's rolling along.
We were at a park the other weekend and Eric was pushing the little guy on the swing a lot harder than I ever push him. The poor little booger was white-knuckled from hanging onto the bucket swing for dear life and he was still choking out "Whee.Whee.Whee."
His scooter "Whee" is a lot more joyful than his panic-stricken swing version.
*We're getting a free replacement scooter through the recall program.


  1. Oh, the poor little lamb up on the swing! Maybe Stevenson's poem "The Swing" would make him like it better. Or pushing himself when he's bigger like he does on the scooter now...love Grandma

  2. Oh heck, the toppling danger in the recall is nothing compared with when the Booger just about took it for a ride down the stairs.

    Weeee ...


