Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Here is a list of disgusting things for your reading pleasure:

1. The little booger's blanket is starting to smell... hopefully we can wash and dry it tomorrow before he notices that it's missing.

2. The little stinker has started sucking the bathwater from around the drain after the tub empties. It's really gross and I refuse to photograph it.

3. In related news, he will drink out of the dog dish if he isn't holding a cup of water as soon as he gets thirsty. He'll stick his arm in the bowl and then suck the water off his hand. Our beagle's underbite means the dog water is even more slobbery than normal dog water. Bleagh.

4. He almost went potty in the potty tonight. What that means is that he peed on the floor next to the potty. He was pretty proud of himself for this dubious achievement.

So, as a total non-sequitor, here's a cute picture of our disgusting and sleepy little dude and his smelly blanket:
I love that kid.


  1. Hey, it's hot this summer ... he's trying to stay hydrated!



  2. #2 - our cat does that regularly. He seems to be fine.

  3. Maybe that's where he learned it? I know he picks up habits from the dogs... Good to know the cat survives.
