Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Picnics and such

I finally had my act together enough to pack a dinner instead of picking up McD's before Eric's softball game last week. Wahoo! Unfortunately, yogurt is a TERRIBLE picnic food. Everything was a mess.
Anyway, I got home the other day from something, and the little dude had taped the following sign to the stroller.
In case you can't read his writing or interpret his spelling, it says "No one is allowed to use the stroller." He was quite worried about other people using our stroller, but luckily I'm not included in the "no one."


  1. Well, it looks like they enjoyed the picnic and messes are fun! Owen's writing is priceless. love, Grandma

  2. I never heard of a kid learning to write before he reads. Amazing!

  3. He is protecting the family property like a good big brother should. Yogurt is great anytime, messes and all!
