Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The weather was gorgeous today-- highs in the 70s-- so we went on a nice walk this evening. I totally forgot to bring my camera, though. Here's one of the little girl after our walk, but still wearing the awesome shorts a friend of ours made for her:
Eric did take a blurry picture of us with his phone...
I think it's a pretty unflattering picture of me, so (totally fishing for a compliment) I asked Eric if I really look like that from behind. He said "Well, it is a picture of you." Wow. How did I land such a great guy?!


  1. The correct answer is: "Dang, my camera must need a new lens!"



  2. well, it's all in the loving give and take...your mother thinks you look great. I am looking forward to taking that walk myself (but no pictures from behind, please) love Grandma
