Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Daddy's got skills

My foray into stay-at-home parenting is going okay.  I only yell at the big one once or twice a day (his listening ears somehow aren't connected to his motor systems just yet).  We've only not gotten out of the house once so far and we even took a trip to the local library today for toddler time which included stories, songs, and dancing.  Today's theme was the first snow of winter.  Winter?  I think it is supposed to be 75 this weekend.  Plus these 3 and less year olds have probably never seen snow like my mountain boy.

Anyway, Goose just sat in my lap slack-jawed while 8 other moms and their kids sang and danced.  I was embarrassed.  Thankfully the baby just slept.

Oh, and we got there early thanks to some awesome multitasking by Dad.  Here's a photo of the feeding situation while I got the big one ready.  Physics is a wonderful thing.


  1. After laughing out loud, Grandma said, "No wonder she's happy when she sees her mommy come home."

    She looks quite content to me. Good job!



  2. The biggest little booger was taking toddler time in and wondering where the snow went...he'll be dancing the next time! The feeding photo is hysterical...better than for her to be crying! love, Grandma

  3. The littlest booger looks quite content to say the least. Big booger will soon be singing and dancing too. Keep up the good work dad!
