Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


While we were eating breakfast, the little booger asked if we could go to the playground today. I said sure-- we could go to the playground after school and dinner. The little stinker scarfed down his breakfast, got dressed in a flash, and then announced that he was ready to go to the playground. Whoops! Have you ever tried to explain something to a not-quite three-year old? Yikes. Anyway, we went to the playground tonight and had a blast.
Look at how big he's getting!


  1. He IS getting big! So why does he skip the top rung of the ladder? looks like fun, and what a nice evening. love Grandma

  2. Tell him "Nice climbing!"


