Our Little Boogers

Sharing our lives: two kids, two full-time jobs, one old house, and plenty of love and laughter. And baseball.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Someone is getting bigger...

First post in a loooong time from me so bear with me.

The little one has finally grown some. It's about time too because she is seriously always hungry. She wakes up and points to her mouth. She finishes breakfast and points to her mouth. She looks up from trashing her brother's lego creation and points to her mouth. How do I know she's grown? She can ride this and (barely) touch the floor!
She has also started dancing. She loved my jazzy version of the ABCs.


  1. Wow, she's gone from walking to dancing in zero time flat! Amazing.



    P.S. Awesome guitar!

  2. She can ride the red scooter? She is getting bigger, and look at her dance to her daddy playing that crazy guitar...love, Grandma

  3. Oh my. I remember when the big one got the scooter. So hard to believe they're both getting so big. She's got some great dance moves and love the guitar playing dad.
